Why It Works:
Skin care from home is all craze and why not? It’s successful and cost-effective, no added chemicals, and the ingredients used topically have all been tested for dermal efficacy. Not to mention, it’s satisfying to make your own! Therefore, enjoy these simple recipes to get your glow on.
Honey Face Mask:
Honey works surprises for every type of skin. As a natural humectant, it attracts moisture and, with its clean things, it’s sure to be blemish-free. To create a honey face mask, mix one table spoon of fresh honey with a crowd of fresh lemon. Spread it across the face (avoiding eyes) and let it sit for 15 minutes, cleaning with normal cool water. This honey face mask is perfect for that fresh, dewy, hydrated look.
Aloe Vera Gel:
There’s no better peaceful agent for angry skin or a bad tan than Aloe Vera. If you chance to have an aloe plant in your home, simply slice off a leaf, scoop out the gel, and slather it on your face. If you don’t, head to your local pharmacy and get a 100% aloe Vera gel. Rub it on in circular motions and leave it on overnight for dewy, glowing skin. This remedy used consistently can also diminish acne scars and help with texture issues.
The Brightening Scrub:
Turmeric is anti-inflammatory plus yogurt has lactic mordant, which is a natural, kind exfoliator. Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric with 2 tablespoon of plain yogurt. To use: apply this daily facial scrub by scrubbing (exfoliate 1-2 minutes) and leaving it on as a mask for 10 minutes. Rinse. Brightens and awakens skin.
These natural ingredients do work, and they are safe as long as one doesn’t exceed the dosage and follows a consistent regimen. Use these blends, and in no time you’ll have more radiant and healthy skin. It’s such a pleasure to use something that’s usually found in your own home kitchen!