6 Eco Beauty Hacks for Workable Self-Care Today


Introduction We are living in an era of sustainability, and it’s our responsibility to give back. Some simple replacements in our beauty routine go a long way for the planet while achieving the same results for our skin and hair. Simple use of six sustainable beauty swaps.

  1. Why Sustainable Beauty Matters:

The beauty industry in its current iteration is anti-earth. Plastic containers and chemical compounds dominate. What may start as a compound in a jar is subsequently salaciously pitched as an opportunity to the consumer, ultimately becoming pollution forever-residing, degradable items in landfills. Sustainable beauty is pro-earth and promotes better packaging for more educated selections for our bodies.

  • Employ Zero-Waste Beauty Tools:

Ditch the disposable and buy something you can continually use for less waste: Reusable cotton pads for taking off makeup. Bamboo hairbrushes that are reusable as opposed to plastic. Single-use metal razors, which do not rust, creating less waste in the long run. These are more durable, work better and they’re ultra green for the planet. It’s a win-win.

  • Create Your Own Skin Care:

Use Natural Ingredients Many beauty products are created with natural ingredients that you have in your kitchen. For example: Create a mask with honey and oatmeal that soothes skin and gives you a glow. Use coffee grinds for an excellent body scrub/exfoliator. Use avocado and olive oil for a DIY mask that penetrates facial skin and hydrates. All of these creations are inexpensive, chemical-free, and good for the planet.

  • Purchase Packaging:

That Isn’t Plastic Quality beauty products that are properly packaged glass, metal, biodegradable are safe bets. Green bowls are good too (providing you don’t use them as one-time use). In the long run, it shrinks the amount of plastic waste that adds to landfills and waters.

  • Buy Sustainably:

Shop with brands that provide sustainable options this means natural ingredients or no ingredients at all and not loading things with chemicals. Buy multi-use as well, since that reduces excess. Maintaining one’s regimen relies on buying for maintenance, so avoiding excess and sustainable decision-making are key.

  • Have a Beauty Garden in Your Backyard:

Have a beauty mini garden of skin-and-hair-loving plants. Aloe Vera is treating and anti-inflammatory, violet is restful, and peppermint is reviving. Not only do they make for beautiful, fresh, natural improvements to your routine, but they also make for workable, fulfilling gardening projects.


Establishing a green beauty regimen is easy, and after it’s established, you can feel good about it for both your personal health and the health of the environment. From zero waste razors to DIY exfoliates and sprays to eco-friendly buying options, small choices that reduce waste and promote proactive organic, sustainable degradation are easy to come by. Just start small and let your successes be heard by the Universe.

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